Knowing nothing about the game - other than it takes place in Azeroth - I leveled my toon to 60 just weeks before the 1st expansion came out ( Burning Crusade ). I did not get to spend much time raiding the "old school" dungeons such as ZG, MC or AQ.
Being a "60" was great while it lasted. As soon as the expansion came out we all headed to outlands. Many complained that the green items dropping in Hellfire Peninsula ( the 1st zone in outlands) were better that some epics that people had spent many, many hours raiding to get. Not me. The gear was great and the quests were (IMO) a lot more enjoyable than the old content.
Leveling was great in the different zones. "Phat Lewt" was in abundance and I climbed my way to 70 ( the cap at the time). At this point, I felt I had a pretty good grasp on playing the game ( or my class at least). I specced Holy and did some minor raiding ( Karazhan mainly, with some experiences in Gruuls Lair, TK and SSC.). I never made it to Mount Hyjal ( I will go one day).
Also with the expansion, 2 new races were revealed, the Blood Elves and the Draenei. Sticking with the Alliance, I rolled a Shaman. I must say I leveled it to 70 alot faster than my pally. This could be due to the fact that I was more familiar with how things worked ( Quests and Zones) and helped by the fact I was doing more DPS ( damage per second) than my pally.
Another cool thing was the introduction of flying mounts. These are available at Level 70 and cost about 1000g with the training. This was one of the coolest highlights of the expansion ( again IMHO).
I wish they would lower the price of the epic flying mounts...